Upcoming Webinars
PACE Legal and Risk Webinar: Sexual Conduct Reporting for Administrators
Thursday, Feb. 20, 12-1 p.m.
OSBA and PACE experts will review resources and policies regarding Oregon’s sexual conduct law, including the 2024 legislative changes that went into effect July 1, 2024.
PACE Legal and Risk Webinar: Sexual Conduct Reporting for Board Members
Thursday, Feb. 20, 5-6 p.m.
OSBA and PACE experts will review school board members’ mandatory child abuse reporting obligations along with sexual conduct resources and policies available to Oregon school districts through OSBA and PACE.
Community Engagement: Tools for Building Trust and Collaboration
Wednesday, Feb. 26, 12-1 p.m.
Discover practical tools and strategies to enhance community engagement. This webinar aligned with the Balanced Governance framework will explore how to engage diverse voices, measure engagement effectiveness and operationalize tools that foster trust and collaboration. Start turning community input into action for student success. This webinar is eligible for silver level certification credit for the Community Engagement and Advocacy Leadership Institute category.
Access Past Webinars Presented by OSBA
Oregon school board members can access the following free webinars as a condition of their membership in the Oregon School Boards Association (OSBA). Sign in to the member portal here and then click on My Resources/Member Resources/Webinars.
Board Development Webinars
Get On Board Webinars
Need Help? Have Questions?
For additional information, contact Reginald Glenn, Board Development Administrative Analyst, at [email protected].