Published: October 16, 2023

OSBA released election ballots Friday. A possible evolution in OSBA’s service is now in school boards’ hands.

In addition to candidates for the OSBA Board and Legislative Policy Committee, this year’s ballots will include a resolution to create a Rural School Boards Caucus.

The rural caucus, modeled after the Oregon School Board Members of Color Caucus, would aim to elevate the voices of board members in rural areas and help OSBA better support those communities’ unique needs. The caucus would have regional representatives, and one rural caucus representative would gain a voting seat on the OSBA Board. Membership would be based on the population or population density of the school district.

All member boards will be able to vote on the resolution as well as a resolution to make technical amendments to OSBA’s bylaws. Boards will be able to vote on their regional representatives to the Board and the committee.

All committee seats are open. The Board has open seats for the Gorge (position 2), Central (3), Southeast (4), Lane (6), Clackamas (7 and 8), Linn/Benton/Lincoln (10), Marion (12), Yamhill/Polk, (13), North Coast (14), Washington (16 and 20) and Multnomah (18).

Candidate information, the resolutions and ballots according to regions can be found at the OSBA Election Center.

Boards can begin voting on the ballots Nov. 1 and begin submitting them to OSBA on Nov. 15. Voting closes Dec. 15.

– Jake Arnold, OSBA
[email protected]