Published: April 4, 2023

The Case for Board Professional Development

When a board demonstrates commitment, it carves out space and time to learn together, it acknowledges the role of the board in improving student achievement, it evaluates its own performance on a regular basis and sets goals for improvement, and it models a willingness to learn and course-correct as necessary. Research shows that when boards and their superintendents share professional development times as a team, “[c]larity of roles and the reduction of conflict increase the time that can be spent on student achievement.” (Shelton, 2015)  In fact, districts with high levels of conflict tend not only to have more turnover in superintendents, but also tend to have lower graduation rates. (Ford, 2013)  (Quotation from OSBA position paper: Professional Development for School Boards: Why is it Vital for Student Learning?)   (See separate handout for the entire position paper.)


It all starts with “Collaborative Governance” …

… is an approach that utilizes effective partnerships to learn and lead together in an environment of trust and respect with a shared focus on high expectations/outcomes for ALL students through collective responsibility, accountability, and support.


The BSAS online self-assessment survey consists of the following 12 standards for effective Boardsmanship based on the ongoing research of Dr. Tom Alsbury on “Balanced Governance”.  (See additional handout for key indicators of each standard.)

* Vision Directed Planning                                   * Community Engagement

* Effective Leadership                                           * Accountability

* Cultural Responsiveness                                    * Culture and Climate

* Learning Organization                                       * Systems Thinking

* Innovation and Creativity                                 * Budgeting and Financial Accountability

* Using Data for Continuous Improvement and Accountability

* Board Member Conduct, Ethics, and Relationships with the Superintendent

How can OSBA assist you in your Board’s professional development planning?

The OSBA Board Development team can setup and facilitate the online survey for your Board.  The survey results will be shared in an open public meeting.  The OSBA facilitator will engage the board in a discussion of those results with the expected outcome of developing 2-3 professional development board goals as well as a matching action plan for the upcoming school year.  This work session takes approximately three hours. Contact a member of the Board Development team today to discuss additional details for this very important process!