Responding to the viral video of a student attack in a Tualatin middle school, the Oregon Department of Education offered guidance Friday to address violence in schools.
“There will always be a need to be vigilant and proactive when it comes to the social, mental, and emotional health of young people in our community,” wrote Director Charlene Williams.
ODE encouraged school leaders to make sure students know how to confidentially report incidents or fears of violence and staff are trained to handle such incidents and reports. ODE also recommended school districts ensure they have ongoing mental health supports in place, especially for LGBTQ+ students and staff who might be feeling particularly vulnerable after the Tualatin attack.
ODE shared additional resources:
- Mental Health and Social Support Guidance for Administrators, School Counselors, and Other Mental Health Professionals
- Every Student Belongs Bias Incident Response Guide
- Supporting Gender Expansive Students: Guidance for Schools
- Talking to Children About Violence – Tips for Families and Educators
- Bullying Resources for Teachers and Parents