Published: July 10, 2024

The OSBA Summer Board Conference Aug. 9-11 offers a wealth of engaging and informative workshops and presentations for Oregon school board members, administrators and administrative professionals.

Time is running out, though, to assure a place at this important education event at the Salem Convention Center as well as a discounted hotel stay. Online conference registration and the special room rate at The Grand Hotel and the Holman Riverfront Park Hotel end July 19.

OSBA members who want to learn how they can make a difference in their schools will still be able to register on-site during the conference for an additional $100. 

This year’s conference theme is “Lift student success through the Board Leadership Institute.” The conference provides leadership development for school board members, whether they are new to the role or have been serving students for decades. The workshops provide practical guidance on school board duties while also offering inspirational windows into helping students achieve their dreams.

The final day will feature an array of workshops offered by school leaders on “Innovative Practices to Improve Student Learning.”

All attendees can learn about pressing new education issues and long-standing topics while networking with peers, experts and OSBA’s helpful staff.